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Joey for Reddit

Joey for Reddit

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Developer's DescriptionBy CodesForLivingJoey for Reddit is a new ingenious app for Reddit, which provides you a fresh, never before experience of Reddit.Joey for Reddit is a new ingenious app for Reddit, which provides you a fresh, never before experience of Reddit!HighlightsOnly 3rd party Reddit app that autoplays inline GIFs/videos in the feedStreams all GIFs instantly-Don't wait for entire GIF to downloadMedia cards: View posts as full screen cards, flick to change cards.Only app with Text to speech support-It reads aloud long self posts and all comments to you.Multi column + Tab Layout = Best Reddit ExperienceDesigned bottom up for Ask me anything-Read AMA in magazine style question answer format.-Read AMA category wise.-Works for Crossposts, MultiAuthor AMA.-Never miss an AMA : See upcoming AMA in your local time, add them to your calendar.-Shows live AMA going on right now.Omni Subreddit Finder: Searches your subscriptions and the web simultaneously.Reader view for web articles: For clutter free reading experience.Designed for comments:-See all the ancestors of a comment, with the siblings of ancestor comments collapsed-Color coded usernames: Highlights users who have participated earlier in the comment chain.-Highlights new comments added after your last visit-Ability to collapse the thread from any comment.-A comment navigator that works with collapsed comments.-Level N Collapse: Collapse comments at any level of your choiceStream Reddit comment threads: Super useful for match threadsPush notification: Get your notifications instantlyImmersive full-screen: Distraction free browsingDesigned for albums:-Vertical Cards for albums: swipe only in one direction both for description and going to next pic. It also has in-place zoom.-Navigate albums using volume key.Most powerful text-editor:-Table, heading, code, and more.Most customizable data saving settingsPowerful subscription management: Pin, hide, add bookmarks.Optimized for r/science:-Read the posts category wise.-Add upcoming AMA to you calendar.Optimized for r/askscience:-Read the question category wise.Optimized for r/LifeProTips:-Read LPTs topic wise.Long press thumbnails to preview media.Only Reddit client with Screen LockMesmerizing AnimationsCustomizations- Most powerful theme engine: Change toolbar color, accent color, title color, comment color, canvas color, everything!- Choose from 16 million colors!- Night theme, with AMOLED variant.- Auto theme: Change themes automatically- Change font size and types-Post style with-16:9 image-Full height image-Small thumbnail-Large thumbnailOther notable features-Multi Account Support with secure OAuth2 login-Slide to close activity-Different sort for each subreddit-Supports Reddit LIVE-Friend list-Full spoiler support-Full table support-NSFW filterHave fun :)Dev : u/codesForLivingJoey for Reddit is an unofficial Reddit app."Reddit" is registered trademark owned by Reddit Inc."Ask me anything" is registered trademark owned by Reddit Inc."AMA" is property of Reddit Inc.The article on Aryabhata used in screenshot is from, and the article on Aryabhata is released under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license(
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