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CombatKit (against Christians)

CombatKit (against Christians)

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Developer's DescriptionBy Mohammed Naser AlshehiCombat Kit App: it's an electronic version of "Combat Kit" book, written by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, and we mean the Intellectual combat between...Combat Kit App: it's an electronic version of "Combat Kit" book, written by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, and we mean the Intellectual combat between Muslims and Christians.You can use this app as a direct reference to the bible when you have a dialog with Christians.For example, a Christian is trying to convince you that killing the apostate is an act of evil, so you open the app and click on "APOSTASY" and you will see a passage from Deuteronomy about killing the apostate with a link to the text in the bible, you show it to the Christian and he realizes that it's mentioned in his book.Same for other topics like Contradictions, etc...
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