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Developer's DescriptionBy Diabetes Digital MediaGet the FREE Diabetes Forum app.Get the FREE Diabetes Forum app. The most popular Diabetes Forum is on your phone - join over 300,000 people in the world's most active community for people with diabetes.Find support, ask questions and share your experiences with people who range from diabetes experts to those who are newly diagnosed.[Note: if you are experiencing problems logging in, please try using your username rather than your email address, as this is often the cause of the problem.]Diabetes can seem daunting, but you're not alone. Find support and chat to people who have:- Type 1 diabetes- Type 2 diabetes- Newly diagnosed- Prediabetes- Gestational diabetes- Parents of children with diabetes- Low carbers- Non-low carbers- Insulin pumpers- and more!With access to 1,874,700 posts by hundreds of thousands of people with diabetes, you'll find the Diabetes Forum an invaluable app for when you're on the go. Most questions get an answer in 4 minutes!If you have any questions or comments regarding the functionality or operation of this app please visit https://www.diabetes.co.uk/app and we will be happy to answer any questions. This is our first ever app and we're very excited about it so all feedback is appreciated.Reach us at Diabetes.co.uk on the following:- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/diabetescouk- Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/diabetescouk- YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/diabetescouk***** DID YOU KNOW *****A study by University of Edinburgh found that the Diabetes Forum is the most active social medium for people with diabetes, compared to Twitter and Facebook!An October 2017 study by Dr Bernardi and Dr Wu of Royal Holloway, University of London looked at the responses of 1,500 members of the Diabetes Forum. The objective of the study was two-fold: to analyse the impact of participating in the Diabetes Forum on members wellbeing, and to understand how community knowledge influenced interactions between members and their doctors and how this affected their subsequent treatment.In a presentation of their preliminary findings, Dr Bernardi and Dr Wu reported four significant conclusions:#1 The Diabetes Forum is empowering#2 The Diabetes Forum has had a positive impact on participants wellbeing#3 The Diabetes Forum can influence patient-doctor relationships#4 The Diabetes Forum can be a catalyst of innovationDr Bernardi and Dr Wu discovered that engaged Diabetes Forum members were more confident in discussing their health with their doctor or nurse, and this made them feel more comfortable in managing their diabetes.We ran a survey in November 2018, and it showed:* A huge 73% of forum members said that they had improved their understanding of diabetes because of information on the diabetes forum* 44% of forum members said they had improved their blood glucose control* 35% of forum members said the forum had helped them to reduce their HbA1c* 55% of forum members said they had improved their diet choices* And almost half of the forum members who completed the survey said they had more confidence in managing their diabetes!Find support, ask questions and share your experiences - come and meet the diabetes community.