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API Gravity Calculator Free

API Gravity Calculator Free

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Developer's DescriptionBy WeBBusterZ Engineering SoftwareThe API gravity or American Petroleum Institute gravity is a term often used to measure how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is comparing to...The API gravity or American Petroleum Institute gravity is a term often used to measure how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is comparing to water. This application allows you to perform any of the following operations:+ Calculating the API gravity from Liquid density or specific gravity or preloaded database of fluids.+ Calculate the specific gravity from API gravity+ Calculate the Barrels of crude oil per metric ton from API Gravity or select a fluid from the preloaded fluids database to perform the calculation+ Find the classification of oil according to API gravity (Light oil, Medium oil, Heavy oil or Exra heavy oil)The database has the available liquids below:PropaneButaneGasolineKeroseneNo. 1 Fuel oilNo. 2 Fuel oilJet fuel JP-4Jet fuel JP-5BenzeneGas oilsJet fuelPeanut oilPetroleum oilOlive oilOctaneHexaneHeptaneDieselDIFFERENCE BETWEEN FREE VERSION AND PAID VERSIONTo support the development of mobile applications:Free version has banner advertsFree version REQUIRES internet WIFI connection to operateThere is a version that doesn't have adverts and will not require any internet connection click on the link below for this version AND REVIEWSI accept your opinion on this application and off course like anyone else on this store I like to see positive rating and feedback. Please leave only constructive feedback.NEW USERSTry this application and makeup your own mind about it, don't be influenced by other opinions.
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